Must Read
- Paul Waldman, Honor Our War Dead On Memorial Day — They Won’t Be the Last
- Tim Wu, Why Are There So Many Shuttered Storefronts in the West Village?
- Eduardo Porter (NYT), American Innovation Lies on Weak Foundation
- Paul Krugman (NYT), The Insecure American
- Jon Stewart, Bernie Sanders Kicks Off His Presidential Campaign
Should Read
- Dean Baker, Look, a Deficit!: How NPR Distracts You From Issues That Will Actually Affect Your Life
- Washington Post, Faces of the Fallen
- Brittany Bronson (NYT), Long Odds in the Game of Life
- Mike the Mad Biologist, When Will We Realize the U.S. Has a Gentry Class?
- David Bromwich, What Went Wrong: Assessing Obama’s Legacy [Ed.: Subscription required. NB: A Harper’s subscription is worth every penny.]
- Ed Kilgore, The Tired Old “Both Sides Getting More Extreme” Meme
Energy and Environment
- Zahra Hirji, California Democrats Approve Sweeping Fossil Fuel Divestment Resolution
- Patrick Brown and Wenhong Li, Global warming and unforced variability: Clarifications on recent Duke study
- Brad Plumer, China’s CO2 emissions have been plummeting lately. What’s going on?
- Eduardo Porter (NYT), Government R&D, Private Profits and the American Taxpayer
- John Tukey, We Need Both Exploratory and Confirmatory
- Monique Morrisey, Head Start’s 50th Anniversary
- Claire Cain Miller (NYT), Making Computer Science More Inviting: A Look at What Works
- Patricia Cohen (NYT), Public-Sector Jobs Vanish, Hitting Blacks Hard
- Conor Dougherty (NYT), Overvalued in Silicon Valley, but don’t say ‘Tech Bubble
- Tim Taylor, The Sharing Economy
- James Kwak, Greg Mankiw Forgot What He Teaches
- The Fifth Element, A monologue on the merits of destruction [Ed.: I enjoyed the movie. For some reason I find this scene particularly memorable.]
- Wendy Davis interviewed by Timothy Shenk, What Exactly is Neoliberalism?
- Brad DeLong, “Neoliberalisms”, Left and Right
- Arin Dube, Where are my Liberal-Neo-Liberal Technocrats?
- NY Times Editorial Board, Stupid Pentagon Budget Tricks
- driftglass, Sunday Morning Comin’ Down
- Greta Christina, 7 ideas completely lost on people who are “fiscally conservative but socially liberal”
- Ben Schreckinger, Pope’s pronouncements making trouble for GOP Catholics
- Jen Sorensen, Hillary Clinton: Pro vs. Con
- The Onion, Candidate Profile: Martin O’Malley
Local Issues
- Matt Murphy, Mass. Senate OKs Fiscal Control Board For MBTA
- Peter Howe, Beloved Toy Shop Faces Forced Shutdown [Ed.: A local realization of the phenomenon Wu describes above. I also understand that The Elephant’s Trunk is closing.]
A Couple Things to End on a Positive Note
-, Tigers turn double play
- Andrew Gelman, What’s the worst joke you’ve ever heard?