Must Read
- Josh Israel and Katie Valentine, TransCanada Is Seizing People’s Land To Build Keystone, But Conservatives Have Been Dead Silent
- Jared Bernstein, Right to work for less: Gov. Scott Walker wants to lower worker pay in Wisconsin
- Dean Baker, The Federal Reserve Board’s Plan to Kill Jobs
Should Read
- Ronald Krotoszynski Jr. (NYT), Alabama’s Dangerous Defiance
- Ray Pierrehumbert, Climate Hacking Is Barking Mad
- Andrew Gelman, What hypothesis testing is all about. (Hint: It’s not what you think.)
- Sam Sinai, Why I became a computer scientist instead of a doctor
- Cnet, Astounding shots from sharpest new satellite in space
- Opli, The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave
- Tim Wallace (NYT), A Giant Picture of Snow Across the United States
- Daniel Swain, The Ridiculously Resilient Ridge Returns; typical winter conditions still nowhere to be found in California
Economics and Politics
- Dave Johnson, Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Promises Echo Clinton’s On NAFTA
- The Onion, Report: Nazi Treasure Hunters Following More Realistic Retirement Plan Than 86% Of Country
- James Carden, Will the Murder of Boris Nemtsov Raise the Risk of Escalation in Ukraine?
- Christopher Ingraham, This is the best explanation of gerrymandering you will ever see
- Matt Taibbi, Scott Walker, God’s Gift to the Democratic Party
- Robert Kuttner, Is Hillary a Sure Thing in 2016?
- Pew Research Center, In U.S., Pope’s Popularity Continues to Grow: Nine-in-Ten Catholics View Pope Francis Favorably, on Par With Ratings for John Paul II
- Robert Huddleston, “Poetry Makes Nothing Happen”
- Christopher Lydon, For Anthony Lewis, with love and thanks