Must Read
- J.W. Mason, Can Sanders Do It?
- Johnny Sanphillippo, Problems We Don’t Really Want to Solve
- Kelley Vlahos, Addicted to Los Alamos
- Andrew Revkin (NYT), Oxford’s Halley Professor on How the Climate Challenge Could Derail a Brilliant Human Destiny
Should Read
- Bob Oakes, U.S. Rep. Moulton Explains Why He’s Running For Congress Again
- Paul Waldman, The Electability Conundrum
- dsully, 12 Examples of Hillary Violating Progressives’ Trust
- Mike the Mad Biologist, When Very Serious Economists Act Very Unseriously
- Dani Rodrik, The Trade Numbers Game
- Chris Bertram, Cash and Freedom
- Eric Posner, The Tragedy of Antonin Scalia
- Robert Reich, Why We Must Try
Foreign Policy
- Andrew Bacevich, Outsiders-in-chief and the world: Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders need to sharpen their global vision
- Sean Kay, The Foreign Policy Case for Bernie Sanders
- William S. Lind, Failure as a Way of Life
- Andrew Bacevich, Who Runs the Pentagon?
- Tyler Rogoway, This Video Shows Cluster Bombs Detonating In The Dense Syrian City Of Aleppo
Scalia and the Supreme Court
- Robert Kuttner, McConnell’s Misstep — and Obama’s Backbone
- Charlie Savage (NYT), Potential Nominees Obama May Consider to Fill Antonin Scalia’s Seat
- Rob Hunter, The Supreme Court After Scalia
David Souter
- NY Times, The Judgment of Justice David Souter
- Kermit Roosevelt, Justice Cincinnatus [Ed.: If we started a “Draft Souter” movement would he consider coming out of retirement?]
- Anna Maria Barry-Jester, What Went Wrong In Flint
- John Sides, How the United States built a welfare state for the wealthy
- Mike Konczal, Bernie’s Wall Street Plan Is Actually Not Enough
- Robert Reich, The Death of the Republican Party
- Bill Curry, The Clintons really don’t get it: False attacks and failed strategies as Hillary repeats 2008
- Zach Carter, The Fight Between Bernie Sanders And Hillary Clinton Is Officially Super Ugly
- Mike the Mad Biologist, The Ghosts of McGovern and Al Smith
- Christopher Cook, The Pragmatic Case for Bernie Sanders
- The Dollars and Sense Blog, Links on the Kerfuffle about Friedman’s Sanders Analysis
- J.W. Mason, Plausibility
- Jared Bernstein, Actual GDP, meet Potential GDP [Ed.: Relevant to Mason’s Item #5.]
- Brad DeLong, No: We Can’t Wave a Magic Demand Wand Now and Get the Recovery We Threw Away in 2009 [Ed.: This also addresses Mason’s #5. I think it’s a strong argument that Friedman’s prediction is overly optimistic.]
- Jared Bernstein, Charles Manski on the importance of accounting for policy uncertainty
- Dean Baker, Bernie Sanders’ Non-Growth Dividend
Health Care
- Christopher Ingraham, What happens when you get stoned every single day for five years
- Sarah Kliff, This is how America rations health care
- Nicholas St. Fleur (NYT), Two-Thirds of the World Faces Severe Water Shortages
- Tatiana Schlossberg (NYT), Measuring the Planet’s Health in Vibrant Shades of Green
- Eli Rabett, Normal Science
- Sean Carroll, All Physics Is Local
- Adrian Cho, Remembering Joseph Weber, the controversial pioneer of gravitational waves
- Xiaozhi Lim (NYT), Unusual Molecules Shine Light on New Applications
Ending on a Positive Note
- Yvette Tendick, Biking, a gateway drug to social awareness
- The Atlantic, The Most Powerful Space Telescope Ever