Must Watch/Read
- David Cay Johnston, Economy Grows, Incomes Shrink
- Robert Reich, The Worst Trade Deal You’ve Never Heard Of
- Dionne Searcey and Robert Gebeloff (NYT), Middle Class Shrinks Further as More Fall Out Instead of Climbing Up
Should Read
- Doug Henwood, Why Bosses Hate Unions
- Josh Barro (NYT), A ‘Rich’ Person Is Someone Who Makes 50 Percent More Than You: Why Obama’s Proposal for 529s Had No Chance
- Max Ehrenfruend, Affordable housing didn’t cause the financial crisis (see also Matt Taibbi on the subject here and here)
- Zephyr Teachout (NYT), Legalized Bribery
F@#* the TPP
- Kevin Gallagher, Exporting Financial Instability
- Joe Stiglitz (NYT), Don’t Trade Away Our Health
- Mark Thoma, Taxing the Wealthy Promotes Economic Growth
- Dean Baker, Arithmetic Is Very Simple, But It’s Still True
- Joe Stiglitz interviewed by Steve Kornacki, Would Pres. Obama’s tax proposal help growth
- Joe Stiglitz, Reforming Taxation to Promote Growth and Equity
- David Reich, Obama Spending Proposal Makes Sense for Short and Long Run
- Simon Johnson, Nominate A Qualified Undersecretary Of Domestic Finance Now
- Paul Krugman (NYT), Whitewashing the Crazy, Fed Edition
- Byron York, As 2016 race begins, GOP faces its Palin problem
- Matt Taibbi, While Deflategate and Chaitgate Rage, America Quietly Robs Its Elderly
- Ari Rabin-Havt, How Bernie Sanders, In New Role, Could Make Wall Streeters Very, Very Unhappy
- Paul Waldman, The Terrifying Political Power of the Upper Middle Class
- Charlie Pierce, Jim Webb and the Merits of Being Half-Right
- Coral Davenport (NYT), White House to Propose Allowing Oil Drilling Off Atlantic Coast
- Andrew Gelman, Six quick tips to improve your regression modeling
Health Care
- Martha Bebinger, Judge Rejects Partners Deal To Acquire 3 Hospitals
- Julie Creswell and Reed Abelson (NYT), Medicare Payments Surge for Stents to Unblock Blood Vessels in Limbs
- Elahe Izadi, Florida police used mugshots of black men for target practice. Clergy responded: #UseMeInstead.