A running list of environment-related writing I’ve found valuable:
- Zadie Smith, Elegy for a Country’s Seasons
- Ray Pierrehumbert, Climate Science Is Settled Enough
- Chris Mooney, No, the sun isn’t driving global warming
- Ari Jokimäki, Anti-[Anthropogenic Global Warming] papers debunked [Ed.: Many of the links to pdfs of articles are broken but the citations are good.]
- Matthew Newman, An Empirical Benchmark for Decadal Forecasts of Global Surface Temperature Anomalies
- Barton Paul Levenson, Are the [Global Climate] Models Correct?
- Eli Rabett, Need to Know
- Eli Rabett, More from Andy Lacis [On what we know about global warming and why we know it]
- Michael Tobis, Some thoughts on Climate Modeling
- G. A. Meehl, et al., Decadal Climate Prediction: An Update from the Trenches
- Thomas Birner, Sean Davis, and Dian Seidel, The changing width of Earth’s tropical belt
- Jennifer Francis, A melting Arctic and weird weather: the plot thickens
- MIT Climate Scientist Kerry Emanuel’s response to Roger Pielke Jr.’s article “Disasters Cost More Than Ever — But Not Because of Climate Change”
- Naomi Oreskes, Wishful Thinking About Natural Gas: Why Fossil Fuels Can’t Solve the Problems Created by Fossil Fuels
- Michael Tobis, I’m Afraid This Changes Nothing [Criticism of Naomi Klein’s book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate]
- Alyssa Battistoni, Alive in the Sunshine
- MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, 2015 Energy & Climate Outlook
- Ray Pierrehumbert, Keystone XL: Game Over?
- Emily Atkin, Industry Groups Are Freaking Out About Obama’s New Smog Pollution Rule
- Bill Chameides, U.S. Acid Rain Regulations: Did They Work?
- Ari Phillips, The Dangerous Hole In The Ozone Layer Is Healing, And It’s Because Of A Global Agreement
- Kerry Emanuel, Earth Under Stress: Thinking differently about climate research
- Roy Scranton (NYT), Learning How to Die in the Anthropocene
- Elizabeth Farnsworth, Is “New Conservation” Still Conservation?
- Chris Smaje, Dark Thoughts on Ecomodernism
- Jonathan Foley, The other inconvenient truth [Agriculture for the 21st century. Current agricultural methods and production aren’t going to cut it.]
- Wil Hylton, Broken Heartland: The looming collapse of agriculture on the Great Plains
- Natasha Geiling, California’s Drought Could Upend America’s Entire Food System
- Eli Rabett, The [West Antarctic Ice Sheet] and Resilience
- John Richardson, When the End of Human Civilization Is Your Day Job: Among many climate scientists, gloom has set in. Things are worse than we think, but they can’t really talk about it.
- Dougald Hine, What do you do, after you stop pretending?
- Paul Kingsnorth, Dark Ecology
Last edited October 1, 2020