Nannyberry Viburnum

As I described in my previous post, I’m on the hunt for Viburnum prunifolium (blackhaw viburnum).  Nice shrub but it’s proving a bit challenging to find.  Viburnum lentago (a.k.a., nannyberry viburnum)  is more readily available and also a very nice shrub – very similar in appearance to V. prunifolium – but it isn’t as mildew resistant.  The claimed mildew resistance is why I’m holding out for V. prunifolium.  That said, if I’m not able to find it then V. lentago seems like a pretty good fallback.

A few pictures of V. lentago turned up by a Google search:


Fruit and fall foliage:


Shrub trivia: I understand that the name “nannyberry” came about because nanny goats like to eat the berries.

V. lentago characteristics as per the Missouri Botanical Garden website:

  • Zone: 2 to 8
  • Native Range: Eastern North America
  • Height: 14 to 16 feet
  • Spread: 6 to 12 feet
  • Bloom Time: May
  • Bloom Color: White
  • Bloom Description: White
  • Sun: Full sun to part shade
  • Water: Medium

From Dirr’s Hardy Trees and Shrubs:

In its finest form, this is an attractive large shrub or tree.  Unfortunately, it is often disfigured by mildew.  Nannyberry Viburnum offers 2- to 4-in. long leaves that emerge soft yellow-green, turn glossy dark green, and may change to purplish red in fall.  The 3- to 4-1/2-in.-wide, white inflorescences open in May.  They are followed by green, yellow, rose, and pink fruit that mature to purplish black.  Plant where air movement is excellent to best deter mildew.  Use in a naturalized setting.

The two locations where I can imagine planting it don’t have great air movement.  I’m concerned about mildew.  As I noted above, if I can find it then V. prunifolium gets the nod.  If I can’t then nannyberry probably wins out.

Next up:  Viburnum nudum ‘Winterthur’.  It’s a modest-sizes shrub with nice fall color and berries that birds like.  It may be a good replacement for two Rhododendron maximum which aren’t doing particularly well – location is too sunny for their liking I suspect.