Ezra Klein takes the words right out of my mouth:
I’m a climate pessimist. I don’t believe the United States — or the world — will do nearly enough, nearly fast enough, to hold the rise in temperatures to safe levels. I think we’re fucked. Or, at the least, I think our grandchildren are fucked.
His seven reasons America will fail on climate change:
- We’ve waited so long that what America needs to do is really, really hard — and maybe impossible
- The people most affected by climate change don’t get a vote
- We’re bad at sacrificing now to benefit later
- The effects of global warming are not easily reversible
- The Republican Party has gone off the rails on climate change
- The international cooperation required is unprecedented, and maybe impossible
- Geoengineering is nuts
Related: Zadie Smith’s “Elegy for a Country’s Seasons”, The Dark Mountain Project, and Alyssa Battistoni’s “Alive in the Sunshine”. See also “The WAIS and Resilience” at Rabett Run and Joshua Foa Dienstag, Pessimism.
UPDATE 6/6/2014: Joe Romm with a rebuttal to Klein, “7 Reasons America Should Succeed on Climate Change”.