In the interest of cultivating a more informed electorate I’ve started a Bernie Sanders bibliography, i.e., links to information on Sanders’ record as an elected official as well as what he’s proposing as a presidential candidate and the perceived merits thereof. I will update it as I find new posts worth linking to. Feel free to suggest additions.
Last updated April 16, 2016.
New links (mostly to older pieces)
- Sally Jacobs, As Vermont official, Sanders ‘got things done’
- Matt Taibbi, Inside the Horror Show That Is Congress [Ed.: From 2005. Still relevant]
- Anthony Brooks, Sanders Got His Start In Burlington, And His Policies Continue To Shape The City
- Clare Foran, The Lifelong Republicans Who Love Bernie Sanders
- The “On the Issues” section of Sanders’ campaign website
- Tim Murphy, How Bernie Sanders Learned to Be a Real Politician
- Moyers & Company, Bernie Sanders on Breaking Big Money’s Grip on Elections
- Moyers & Company, Bernie Sanders: Stand Up to Corporations Like Chevron
- Jon Schwarz, Bernie Sanders on Obama’s “Biggest Mistake”
- Daily Kos, Campaign Zero team has a productive meeting with Bernie Sanders to discuss racial injustice
- Daily Kos, Bernie Sanders: The Only White Guy to Show Up
- Sen. Bernie Sanders, Is the NSA Spying on Congress?
- Kira Lerner, 6 Ways Bernie Sanders Will Challenge Hillary Clinton
- Andrew Prokop, The 5 biggest policy differences between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
- Juan Cole, How Mainstream is Bernie Sanders?
- Peter Dreier, Is Bernie Sanders Too Radical for America?
Legislative Record
- Sanders’ record at
- Sanders’ record for the 113th Congress at
- Recent votes and Bills Sponsored/Co-Sponsored at
- Legislation section of Sanders’ website
Health Care
- Peter Loftus, Bernie Sanders to Introduce Bill Targeting High Drug Prices
- David Dayen, Wall Street Journal’s Scary Bernie Sanders Price Tag Ignores Health Savings
Wall Street
For-Profit Prisons
- Daniel Costa, On Immigration, Bernie Sanders is Correct
- CBS News, Bernie Sanders Holds Old-School Filibuster Against Obama-GOP Tax Cut Deal
- Sahil Kapur, Bernie Sanders Eyes Top Tax Rate of More Than 50 Percent
- Ashlea Ebeling, Bernie Sanders Calls For 65% Top Estate Tax Rate
- John Nichols,Bernie Sanders Has a Plan: Tax Wall Street and Make College Free
- Jared Bernstein (NYT), The Case for a Tax on Financial Transactions [Ed.: FWIW, I buy Bernstein’s analysis.]
- Rob Garver, The Pros and Cons of Bernie Sanders’ $50 Billion Tax Idea [Ed.: To the best of my knowledge, no proponents of the tax are suggesting that it will solve the budgetary problems that Garver and the Tax Policy Center note that it wouldn’t solve. It would be a good thing but it would not be a magic bullet by any stretch of the imagination.]
- Paul Waldman, No, Bernie Sanders is not going to bankrupt America to the tune of $18 trillion
College Affordability
- Heather Gautney, College Affordability: Comparing the Clinton and Sanders Plans
- Danielle Kurtzleben, Why Lowering Student Loan Interest Rates Isn’t A Game Changer
- Tamara Keith, Fact Check: Is Refinancing Student Debt Really Good Policy?
- Mike Konczal, The UNC Coup and the Second Limit of Economic Liberalism [Ed.: Context for Sanders’ and Clinton’s college affordability proposals.]
Jobs and Work
- David Leonhardt, The Idled Young Americans
- Dave Johnson, Bernie Sanders Proposes To Boost Worker-Ownership Of Companies
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
- Letter to US Trade Representative Michael Froman
- Bernie Sanders, Defeat the Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Ari Phillips, Bernie Sanders’ Plan to Make Solar Power More Accessible
Veterans Issues
- Jill Lawrence, How Bernie Sanders Fought for Our Veterans [Ed.: Good piece but I take issue with the tagline. Sanders is not an ideologue.]
- Senate Passes Sanders-McCain Veterans Bill