Must Read
- Ron Hira, Congress and President Obama Cannot Sit Idly By While Companies Use H-1B Guestworkers to Replace American Workers
- Dean Baker, Throw the Truth Out the Door: President Obama Has to Pass a Trade Deal
- Charlie Pierce, Trading Places: The Place Where Populism Goes To Die
- Andrew Higgins (NYT), Beating Russia at Its Own Long Game
Should Read
- Shaila Dewan (NYT), States Consider Increasing Taxes for the Poor and Cutting Them for the Affluent
- Jared Bernstein, The tyranny of averages, “deltas” and the need for some version of zero-based budgeting
- John Mearsheimer (NYT), Don’t Arm Ukraine
- Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Foolish, Historically Illiterate, Incredible Response to Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech
- Noam Chomsky, The World of Our Grandchildren
- Adam Vaccaro, How London’s Olympics Went Way Over Budget [Ed.: Worth reading because Boston is in the running to host the 2024 games and MA taxpayers would likely be on the hook for budget overruns.]
- Joe Romm, Anti-‘Geoengineering’ National Academy Report Opposes ‘Climate-Altering Deployment’
- Thomas Kostigen, Could California’s Drought Last 200 Years? Clues from the past suggest the ocean’s temperature may be a driver.
- Christina Sarich, This US City First to Run 100 Percent on Sustainable Energy
Media Criticism
- Max Fisher, David Carr vs. Vice: The video that shows why Carr was such a force in journalism
- Tim Egan (NYT), Jon Stewart’s America
- Jon Stewart, Wish You Were [Jordan’s King Abdullah]
- Dean Baker, Actually the Personal Saving Rate Is Very Low
- Dean Baker, Why the Monthly Change in the Hourly Wage Tells Us Nothing
- Dean Baker, 257,000 Jobs Are Great, but Those Wall Street Boys Are Really Smart
- Sue Sturgis, Index: The 1 Percent Cleans Up in Florida and the South
- David Dayen, A Needless Default
- Rachel Cohen, Blind to the Future: Chris Christie and the Republican Default on Public Investment
- Christopher Ingraham, Mapping America’s most dangerous bridges
- Burgess Everett, Senate frozen amid DHS fight
- Richard Eskow, More Evidence ‘Centrist’ Solutions Can’t Save Us
- David Corn, Why Liberals Should Embrace Romney the Progressive Champion
- John R. MacArthur, The Progressive, Sensitive Governor Romney
- Driftglass, As [David Brooks’] Batshit Chickens Come Home to Roost
- Andrew Higgins (NYT), Beating Russia at Its Own Long Game
- John Mearsheimer (NYT), Don’t Arm Ukraine
- Keir Giles, Ukraine crisis: Russia tests new weapons
- Michelle Andrews, Government Says Bosses Can’t Force Workers To Get Health Tests
- xkcd, #NowPlaying