Thoughts for the Day – November 11, 2024

I haven’t posted much in recent years.   There are two reasons:  1)  Better things to do/things I enjoy more and 2) I’ve been a bit more at-ease with the world – not so much with the Big Picture but with it on a day-to-day basis.  So much for #2.

Observe, orient, decide, act.”

The nominal goals of the incoming administration include:

  1. Economic boom,
  2. Mass deportation,
  3. Relegation of half the population to second-class citizen status, and
  4. Non-violent coexistence with other nations

It doesn’t seem plausible that all of those things can exist simultaneously.  #1 is conditional on #4.  #2 and #3 will alienate international allies and result in a loss of goodwill that will #4 much more challenging.  On the domestic side, imagine that #s 2 and 3 and the violence necessary to implement them will alienate many people who maintain our security.  That feels unlikely to play out well in the long run – and perhaps not even in the short run.  Our adversaries are opportunistic.  They will try to take advantage of internal strife.  I hope he goes for #1 and #4.  He’ll trash our country just like he has every other one of his ventures, but going for #1 and #4 would leave us in the least worst position when (if?) people get serious about climbing out of the crater.  (Prediction:  He’ll go for 1-3 and think he can coerce 4. It won’t work and we’ll end up with 2 & 3.)

That’s hope and speculation more than observation but it’s part of how I’m trying to orient myself.